Category Archives: Craft Room

Craft room


One of the best things about my new house is that I get to have a craft room! It started off as a bit of a dumping ground…


…but the cat loved exploring the boxes and found some great hiding places.


I’ve had some time to do a bit of sorting and tidying, and even though it isn’t completely how I want it, it’s definitely useable! I have quite a lot of storage space on my two shelf units, and I love having all my pretty, colourful things on display and easily accessible.



I’ve added two of my drawer units to a shelf. They fit perfectly and don’t take up any desk space – bonus!


I have Granny’s old sewing machine…


…and pretty plates holding Useful Things.


This is the ‘I’ll-get-round-to-sorting-it-out-one-day’ area! Not great to look at, but stuff is out of the way but easy to get to when I need it.


I even have somewhere for the cat to sleep in the sun…


…although she sometimes prefers to just sit next to her cushion and look out of the window.


And my favourite part of the room – my colourful wall! I love all the different bits and pieces on this wall, some useful, some holding great memories, some just decorative. This wall is a work in progress – I plan to add more things to the spaces around the edges, and will probably take down/put up different things at various points.


This bright, colourful space really makes me happy!



One of the best things about unpacking after moving house is finding all sorts of little treasures I’d completely forgotten about. Some of my boxes have been unopened since university days (5 years ago!) so I’ve found several lovely surprises.


A tiny but lovely one is my little rainbow maker. I’m not sure where it came from, but I think it was probably a gift from someone. It now hangs in my craft room window.


This room is particularly sunny in the mornings and the crystal catches the light brilliantly.DSCN2361

The heat from the radiator make the crystal gently move, sending rainbows dancing all over the room. Is just lovely!
