Giveaways galore


Good afternoon, how are we all today? Hope you’re all enjoying a chilled out and relaxing Saturday.

That’s how my day started – waking up naturally for a change (I love when there is no alarm nagging me to get out of bed) then reading in bed for probably an hour or more before I got up. Bliss.

Things have gone downhill since. I have spent most of my time today on lesson planning and preparation either for school or Sunday school. And it’s still not all finished. But that’s what Sunday afternoons are for, right? Finishing all the school work last minute that has been put off all week. I don’t think there’s too much left to do thankfully, but I really can’t face any more right now.

So, on to happier, more exciting things.

Firstly, a new commission. I was having coffee with a group of ladies from church yesterday afternoon at the lovely Monks Yard (2nd time in 2 weeks – this is becoming something of a habbit!) Anyway, I took along a crochet project (the one I gave you a little peep of here) to work on while we chatted. I’ve finally got to a point with crochet where I don’t need to obsessively stare at it the whole time in case I get things wrong. Now a glance every few stitches is sufficient, meaning that I can hold a conversation without looking like I’m being really rude and avioding all eye contact.

Anyway, I was merrily stitching away when the lovly lady next to me asked if I’d make a small blanket for a baby basket her granddaughter plays with when she visits. So I got started before tea, then finished it off whilst watching a dvd with a friend in the evening. (We watched Under the Tuscan Sun. It’s one of my favourite films just because of the scenery, and it makes me want to visit Italy every time I see it.) I also finished the other project, and will show you pics when it’s been given to my friend!

I loved this as it was so quick to make – very satisfying. I still have to sew in the ends, but that shouldn’t take too long.

Moving on to this morning…

I was just about to step out of the door when I noticed this lovely looking parcel lying on the door mat.

Isn’t that just the most lovely padded envelope you’ve ever seen?! It seemed like my birthday all over again! I ripped it open…

…and peered inside.

It was the book I won in Hannah’s giveaway.

And tucked inside the front cover was this little letter on lovely paper…

Hannah you have beautiful handwriting – I’d love to be able to write like that! Thank you so much for your generous giveaway 🙂 I’m really looking forward to reading it (I’ll let you know what I think!)

And finally, the result of my giveaway! Here are the names of all the lovely people who commented…

and being mixed up (I decided to use the Padded Envelope of Wonder today, instead of the High Tec Hat).

And the winner is…

Maryanne, from Woolhogs. Congratulations! Email me your address and I’ll pop your buttons in the post 🙂

Oh, and before I forget, I’ve just set up a facebook page! There’s not much on it at the moment, but I’m hoping to add more over the next couple of days.

I’ve also been honoured with a couple of awards this week – it’s very exciting, but I think they need a post of their own…

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